
Fremlin Walk Chaplaincy

The Fremlin Walk Chaplaincy has been set up to support you in your workplace.

Fremlin Walk Chaplains offer support to people who work in Fremlin Walk by valuing people, listening to them and taking their needs seriously. The Chaplaincy is a free service for both staff and managers alike.

The Chaplains are selected from Town Centre churches in Maidstone. They are available to anyone who works at Fremlin Walk, of any religious belief or of none. They may be identified by their Fremlin Walk Chaplaincy badges.

If people want to talk, a Chaplain has time to listen, on any issue, whether it’s work related, personal, or about issues of life in general. This can be done informally at the workplace, or another time and workplace can be arranged.

To get in touch with Fremlin Walk Chaplaincy, call: 07745 066165

Photo credit: Andy Potter / Foter / CC BY-SA