

CAST aims to enable young people in secondary schools to explore and make decisions on moral, physical, social and spiritual issues.

By developing and facilitating partnerships with schools, churches,  voluntary groups, statutory agencies and local government, CAST provides professional, creative and innovative support within secondary schools for both staff and students.

Working in partnership with school staff, cast aims to contribute to:

  • Developing the students spiritually, morally, emotionally and culturally
  • Supporting the ethos and aims of the school
  • Meeting the school’s requirements for ‘a daily act of broadly christian collective worship’ as described in the 1988 education reform act
  • Developing the student’s self-awareness including their uniqueness, their potential and their sense of purpose
  • Developing the student’s thinking about the needs of others in the community and in the world and their appreciation of the shared values of being part of the school community
  • Offering opportunities for students to explore, consider and express their views about life and ideas about god and to consider the relevance of those beliefs to their own lives.
  • Developing the student’s awareness and understanding about christian beliefs and experience.

CAST Mentors

Cast mentors act as friends and good role models to students (during school time) to encourage and support them for a short period of their life. They listen to and share experiences and challenges and help the young person to find solutions. Students are referred by internal school structures and are matched with the mentors by school staff who co-ordinate the project.